
The imaginal system is used to store intermediate problem state representations. Typically used in conjunction with the goal module which retains the goal state.

The imaginal system is time dependent (unlike the goal module), so all imaginal buffer operations take some (configurable) amount of time.

Version 6

DefaultImaginalModule6 is the default implementation of the imaginal system.
It provides the imaginal buffer, and has parameters to manipulate the amount of time add and modify requests take.


  • AddDelayTime : How much time does it take to add a new representation to the imaginal buffer (values: numeric>=0. default:0.2)
  • ModifyDelayTime : How much time does a modification take (values: numeric>=0. default:0.2)
  • RandomizeDelaysEnabled : are the delays stochastic? (values:true/false. default: false) (Note: requires random module to be installed)