Bug Reports

Bugs happen. Particularly in research software, no matter how many best practices you observe (or ignore). This is how you should submit a problem.


  1. Make sure you can reliably reproduce the error. If you can't, no one else will either.
  2. Spend sometime trying to localize where the problem is. The entire source for jACT-R is included. If you look in the Plugin Dependencies folder of your project, you'll see org.jactr_xxxxxxxxxxx.jar, open it up. Packages are organized along theoretical lines. Problem with production instantiation? check org.jactr.core.production or org.jactr.core.module.procedural. Problem with the visual module? check org.jactr.modules.pm.visual. You get the idea. 
  3. When you have an idea as to where the problem might be, turn on the architectural logging. In the root of your project is a jactr-log.xml file. It allows you to enable/disable logging at the package or individual class level. Turn it on for where you think the problem is and examine the log output. If you see where the problem is, mark it in the file. You may need to turn on logging in the run configuration as well.
  4. If it doesn't contain sensitive information, or that information can be scrubbed out, export your project along with the run configuration and relevant log files to an archive file. 
  5. Submit a bug report with as much detailed information as possible. 
    1. What is the expected behavior of the model
    2. What is the observed behavior of the model
    3. Steps to reproduce
  6. For extra credit, you can reimport jactr into your workspace, try to fix it yourself and attach your recommended patch.


You can submit your bug reports to the GitHub site for each subcomponent:

  1. jACT-R Core proper
  2. jACT-R Eclipse interface